I've eaten so much today. Its like I can't stop. Literally. Everything just tastes great. That's why I don't like the holidays. Its when I eat. Alot.
Anyways, Given the state I am in I'm not in such a great mood to write.
But, I feel like I should put forth some effort.
Ohh did anyone watch Grey's Anatomy last night?
Seth Green was in this episode! I absolutely love Seth Green. He's such a great actor and completely hilarious. Ugh, I was however disgusted at the end. I knew that was going to happen when he started laughing! Lexi was the cause. BIG surprise there.
Anyways, I've been slacking. I have some reviews to write up. I still have two books to read and review. So Don't expect any updates for at least two days. I'll probably post those reviews on here when I finish them.
Oh and I've reached 50 Views! I'm really happy. =]
Okay I should stop writing and get to reading. Hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving!
22 November 2007
17 November 2007
Review: I Want Candy by Kim Wong Keltner
I recently had the opportunity to read I Want Candy by Kim Wong Keltner.
& wow did I enjoy it. It has to be one of the best coming of age novels I've come across in a long time. Trust me, I've read quite a few.
Its 1983 San Francisco and our heroine Candace Ong lives in Eggroll Wonderland. The Chinese Restaurant her parents work at. Wonderland is Candace's hell. She's been frying egg rolls since she was five. She constantly saves her lay-see envelopes for her future escape. Perhaps her only comfort is her sort of best friend Ruby. Sure she goes out of her way to make Candace feel like crap but their still friends. Candace isn't sure if she want's to live like Ruby-- having sex with every W.P.O.D she meets but she does realise she's changing. This book ventures through life of a young girl trying to figure out herself and her new expirences.
Its hard to find a good book that really describes what it is like growing up asian american. This one does a pretty good job. At least for me. It's easy for me to identify with in some of the situations. Its nice to have a voice in Asian American literature.
Anyways, Recommend to those who have enjoyed other coming of age novels and a good laugh. However younger readers shouldn't pick it up due to some language and situations in the book.
I would post the cover up, but I don't have a scanner. Plus its not on amazon or anything. =[
I Want Candy by Kim Wong Keltner will be availiable Febuary 2008
& wow did I enjoy it. It has to be one of the best coming of age novels I've come across in a long time. Trust me, I've read quite a few.
Its 1983 San Francisco and our heroine Candace Ong lives in Eggroll Wonderland. The Chinese Restaurant her parents work at. Wonderland is Candace's hell. She's been frying egg rolls since she was five. She constantly saves her lay-see envelopes for her future escape. Perhaps her only comfort is her sort of best friend Ruby. Sure she goes out of her way to make Candace feel like crap but their still friends. Candace isn't sure if she want's to live like Ruby-- having sex with every W.P.O.D she meets but she does realise she's changing. This book ventures through life of a young girl trying to figure out herself and her new expirences.
Its hard to find a good book that really describes what it is like growing up asian american. This one does a pretty good job. At least for me. It's easy for me to identify with in some of the situations. Its nice to have a voice in Asian American literature.
Anyways, Recommend to those who have enjoyed other coming of age novels and a good laugh. However younger readers shouldn't pick it up due to some language and situations in the book.
I would post the cover up, but I don't have a scanner. Plus its not on amazon or anything. =[
I Want Candy by Kim Wong Keltner will be availiable Febuary 2008
14 November 2007
Book of the Month

After much thought I thought I'd do a book that's not really in the "mainstream". The book chosen?
Eva Underground by Dandi Daley Mackall. I have to admit, when I first heard about it the cover interested me. I can't help it! I'm a romance fan. If you aren't you just haven't found the right one!
[see previous post.]
Eva Underground is set in Chicago late 1970's. Our heroine Eva Lott is a senior in highschool with pretty much the perfect life. She has a hot boyfriend, a great best friend, and she's on varsity swim team. Things start going bad when her father tells her they are moving to Communist Poland. [Did I meantion its Communist?]
Eva has to leave her beloved life in Chicago to help out with the radical underground movement that could endanger her even more. Along the way Eva discovers many things about Poland. In consequence she grows to love the country she vowed to hate. Not only that she makes some new friends including a somewhat unusal friendship with a guy named Tomek. This is a fantastic coming of age story. It even harbors a touch of romance.
It is a truly engrossing novel that will pull you into a new world that has rarely been searched.
So, As I said before, our book of November is EVA UNDERGROUND.
I hope you look into it.
13 November 2007
Book-Related Sites
Okay, Many people don't like reading for a whole bunch of reasons.
Some excuses:
1. I read slow
2. I can't find anything good
3. I don't have time
4. I don't have a good vocabulary
Umm, you can read in the car [as long as your not driving!] and pretty much everywhere else. Make time. Take at least 15 minutes day to just relax and read something ENJOYABLE.
Which brings me to my point. What kind of books would you like to read? Or, what HAVE you enjoyed?
This site here is quite nifty. Enter in an author and book title and be amazed! I was. I think it gets updated too. Which is good right? I recommend it. Which means that it's damn good!
I've met a lot of people who don't like paying a lot of money for books. I am one of them.
Here is a compiled list that I made to save YOU some $$$ and get you great books.
Bookmooch.com [Trade books! Request Books and Offer Books]
paperbackswap.com [Same Deal Here]
booksfree.com [Like Netflix for books. Affordable Price Ranges!]
firstlookteen.com [Win ARC/ARE Books & Review them!] FREE
Random Buzzers [Free Books with Participation] FREE
PulseIT[Simon Pulse Review Program Free] FREE
Well, I hope that list helps some people! I really think if you can get something for free you should go for it. Plus books are great. I really love PulseIT. I haven't recieved a book I didn't like.
Well, I'm tired now. I need some Green Tea!
Some excuses:
1. I read slow
2. I can't find anything good
3. I don't have time
4. I don't have a good vocabulary
Umm, you can read in the car [as long as your not driving!] and pretty much everywhere else. Make time. Take at least 15 minutes day to just relax and read something ENJOYABLE.
Which brings me to my point. What kind of books would you like to read? Or, what HAVE you enjoyed?
This site here is quite nifty. Enter in an author and book title and be amazed! I was. I think it gets updated too. Which is good right? I recommend it. Which means that it's damn good!
I've met a lot of people who don't like paying a lot of money for books. I am one of them.
Here is a compiled list that I made to save YOU some $$$ and get you great books.
Bookmooch.com [Trade books! Request Books and Offer Books]
paperbackswap.com [Same Deal Here]
booksfree.com [Like Netflix for books. Affordable Price Ranges!]
firstlookteen.com [Win ARC/ARE Books & Review them!] FREE
Random Buzzers [Free Books with Participation] FREE
PulseIT[Simon Pulse Review Program Free] FREE
Well, I hope that list helps some people! I really think if you can get something for free you should go for it. Plus books are great. I really love PulseIT. I haven't recieved a book I didn't like.
Well, I'm tired now. I need some Green Tea!
12 November 2007
Post Office Torture
I'm quite upset. I took a nap after checking the mail today (flag was still up) . When I woke up I grabbed myself a bottle of green tea and went outside to check it again. As I walked up to the mailbox I expected to recieve two books. I reach my hand it and I got two!
Although, one was already opened and empty.
Why do that? Sending me an empty package is cruel and unsual punishment.
My day was already going horrible! I'm failing a class. I never fail.
Well okay I'm done ranting over my bad luck. I just hope that never happens again.
Anyways, I'm happy to say I will have reviews up for I Want Candy by Kim Wong Keltner and What They Found by Walter Dean Meyers later on.
Well, that's all for now! Hope this didn't bore you. I'm just so frustrated and tired.
Although, one was already opened and empty.
Why do that? Sending me an empty package is cruel and unsual punishment.
My day was already going horrible! I'm failing a class. I never fail.
Well okay I'm done ranting over my bad luck. I just hope that never happens again.
Anyways, I'm happy to say I will have reviews up for I Want Candy by Kim Wong Keltner and What They Found by Walter Dean Meyers later on.
Well, that's all for now! Hope this didn't bore you. I'm just so frustrated and tired.
11 November 2007
Hello World!
Okay, lame. Anyways, After many months of searching I've chosen Blogger as my new blog home.
& I must say, its quite lovely =]
Well, basically, I will be posting reviews and things like that on this blog. Not only YA Fiction but Movie Reviews too. Well, those will be quite rare.
Occasionally, I might have a contest. Who Knows? The night is young!
Okay, not really. Its going to be 12am in 40 mins.
wow. I'm going to bed.
Oh, and I'm Laura by the way. && Its nice to meet you. =]
Omo! It's so cute. =]
Im in blog heaven.
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