I just recieved this book, Masks Evolution by Hayden Thorne in the mail.
I'm interested in the cover, reminds me of Mary GrandPre's art. Well, at least the boy does.
Anyways, even though the book's cover interests me, the book itself doesn't.
But alas, I must read it as I have to review it for a site.
Anyways, I decided I had to pull myself together and an idea came to me. Why not review it chapter by chapter on my blog? Or at least, every three chapters..or something. WHATEVER.
It'll help keep me motivated and give you insight on a book I've doubt anyone of you have read.
I've never even heard of the publisher, Torquere Press: Prizm Books.
Get ready! I'll hopefully have things rolling by Sunday.
See you then!
28 February 2009
26 February 2009
Wanna win a free ARC every Friday?
Well go ahead and join Random Buzzers! If your not a member, nows the time to join!
Random Buzzers is a great program that gives teens free books just by joining and participating on the site.
The books on offer are always really good!
Starting on March 6th, every Friday 5 people will win. YOU could be one of them.
All you have to do is try!
So join the site, and take part in a great program.
I personally love it and I think anyone who likes reading will too!
Join here!
Well go ahead and join Random Buzzers! If your not a member, nows the time to join!
Random Buzzers is a great program that gives teens free books just by joining and participating on the site.
The books on offer are always really good!
Starting on March 6th, every Friday 5 people will win. YOU could be one of them.
All you have to do is try!
So join the site, and take part in a great program.
I personally love it and I think anyone who likes reading will too!
Join here!
25 February 2009
Life, Death and God

Frank Warren, the amazing creator of Post Secret, just recently released news of a new post secret book!
"PostSecret Confessions on Life, Death and God" will be released later this year and has been two years in the making! If you still want to submit your secret, you still have a chance! So go mail it in!
I personally love Post Secret a lot. It's so creative and thought provoking. It's a great way to connect with people anonymously and see that your not that different from everyone else.
"PostSecret Confessions on Life, Death and God" will be released later this year and has been two years in the making! If you still want to submit your secret, you still have a chance! So go mail it in!
I personally love Post Secret a lot. It's so creative and thought provoking. It's a great way to connect with people anonymously and see that your not that different from everyone else.
I mean, just look at the one I found on google. Post Secret offers people a way to let out their raw feelings. I just can't stress how much I love post secret.
Currently, there are four books out now. (Correct me if I'm wrong)
A Lifetime of Secrets: A Post Secret Book
PostSecret: Extraordinary Confessions from Ordinary Lives
The Secret Lives of Men and Women: a PostSecret book
My Secret: A Postsecret Book
Check them out if you haven't! I love all of them and have really enjoyed seeing them all. Their definitely a great gift.
24 February 2009
USA Today's top 10
Hey Guys!
So I finally figured out how to make it so my readers, if I have any, can follow my blog!
If you look down at the bottom of the page, you can see who my followers are and become one!
If you do, you'll be shown down there too!
Anyways, in others news, Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series is still on top!
Take a look at USA Today's top 10 Best Sellers!
1. New Moon
Stephenie Meyer, Little, Brown for Young Readers
Young adult: Second in Twilight vampire love saga (F) (P) $10.99
Weeks in Top 150: 127
Last week: 2
Entered Top 150: 8/24/2006
Peak: 1
2. Twilight
Stephenie Meyer, Little, Brown for Young Readers
Young adult: First in vampire love saga: Isabella falls for a vampire (F) (P) $8.99
Weeks in Top 150: 117
Last week: 3
Entered Top 150: 8/31/2006
Peak: 1
3. The Shack
William P. Young, Windblown Media
Man reconnects with God after death of child (F) (P) $14.99
Weeks in Top 150: 55
Last week: 9
Entered Top 150: 1/24/2008
Peak: 2
4. Eclipse
Stephenie Meyer, Little, Brown for Young Readers
Young adult: Third in Twilight vampire saga (F) (H) $18.99
Weeks in Top 150: 80
Last week: 4
Entered Top 150: 8/16/2007
Peak: 1
5. Breaking Dawn
Stephenie Meyer, Little, Brown for Young Readers
Young adult: Concluding installment in Twilight vampire series (F) (H) $22.99
Weeks in Top 150: 29
Last week: 6
Entered Top 150: 8/7/2008
Peak: 1
6. The Associate
John Grisham, Doubleday
An associate at the world's largest law firm is forced to hide a secret from his past (F) (H) $27.95
Weeks in Top 150: 3
Last week: 1
Entered Top 150: 2/5/2009
Peak: 1
7. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw
Jeff Kinney, Amulet
Young adult: Greg Heffley tries to toughen up to avoid military school; third in series (F) (H) $12.95
Weeks in Top 150: 6
Last week: 7
Entered Top 150: 1/15/2009
Peak: 1
8. The Yankee Years
Joe Torre, Tom Verducci, Doubleday
Stories from the years Torre managed the New York Yankees (1996-2007) (NF) (H) $26.95
Weeks in Top 150: 2
Last week: 5
Entered Top 150: 2/12/2009
Peak: 5
9. Run for Your Life
James Patterson, Michael Ledwidge, Little, Brown
Michael Bennett tracks down a killer targeting New York's arrogant elite (F) (H) $27.99
Weeks in Top 150: 2
Last week: 8
Entered Top 150: 2/12/2009
Peak: 8
10. The Love Dare
Stephen Kendrick, Alex Kendrick, B&H
Guided devotional for strengthening marital intimacy; movie (NF) (P) $14.99
Weeks in Top 150: 21
Last week: 10
Entered Top 150: 10/2/2008
Peak: 10
Um wow? Even though the series has been out for a while, she's still on top!
Now did Harry Potter do that?
(See I really don't know, its not rhetorical or whatever. So for all I know he could have!)
So I finally figured out how to make it so my readers, if I have any, can follow my blog!
If you look down at the bottom of the page, you can see who my followers are and become one!
If you do, you'll be shown down there too!
Anyways, in others news, Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series is still on top!
Take a look at USA Today's top 10 Best Sellers!
1. New Moon
Stephenie Meyer, Little, Brown for Young Readers
Young adult: Second in Twilight vampire love saga (F) (P) $10.99
Weeks in Top 150: 127
Last week: 2
Entered Top 150: 8/24/2006
Peak: 1
2. Twilight
Stephenie Meyer, Little, Brown for Young Readers
Young adult: First in vampire love saga: Isabella falls for a vampire (F) (P) $8.99
Weeks in Top 150: 117
Last week: 3
Entered Top 150: 8/31/2006
Peak: 1
3. The Shack
William P. Young, Windblown Media
Man reconnects with God after death of child (F) (P) $14.99
Weeks in Top 150: 55
Last week: 9
Entered Top 150: 1/24/2008
Peak: 2
4. Eclipse
Stephenie Meyer, Little, Brown for Young Readers
Young adult: Third in Twilight vampire saga (F) (H) $18.99
Weeks in Top 150: 80
Last week: 4
Entered Top 150: 8/16/2007
Peak: 1
5. Breaking Dawn
Stephenie Meyer, Little, Brown for Young Readers
Young adult: Concluding installment in Twilight vampire series (F) (H) $22.99
Weeks in Top 150: 29
Last week: 6
Entered Top 150: 8/7/2008
Peak: 1
6. The Associate
John Grisham, Doubleday
An associate at the world's largest law firm is forced to hide a secret from his past (F) (H) $27.95
Weeks in Top 150: 3
Last week: 1
Entered Top 150: 2/5/2009
Peak: 1
7. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw
Jeff Kinney, Amulet
Young adult: Greg Heffley tries to toughen up to avoid military school; third in series (F) (H) $12.95
Weeks in Top 150: 6
Last week: 7
Entered Top 150: 1/15/2009
Peak: 1
8. The Yankee Years
Joe Torre, Tom Verducci, Doubleday
Stories from the years Torre managed the New York Yankees (1996-2007) (NF) (H) $26.95
Weeks in Top 150: 2
Last week: 5
Entered Top 150: 2/12/2009
Peak: 5
9. Run for Your Life
James Patterson, Michael Ledwidge, Little, Brown
Michael Bennett tracks down a killer targeting New York's arrogant elite (F) (H) $27.99
Weeks in Top 150: 2
Last week: 8
Entered Top 150: 2/12/2009
Peak: 8
10. The Love Dare
Stephen Kendrick, Alex Kendrick, B&H
Guided devotional for strengthening marital intimacy; movie (NF) (P) $14.99
Weeks in Top 150: 21
Last week: 10
Entered Top 150: 10/2/2008
Peak: 10
Um wow? Even though the series has been out for a while, she's still on top!
Now did Harry Potter do that?
(See I really don't know, its not rhetorical or whatever. So for all I know he could have!)
19 February 2009
The View from Up High; A Different Time
Sometimes I like getting away from it all. Luckily, reading gives me that much needed escape from everything hectic and annoying! But, sometimes books give me a head ache. Over used plots, confusing, etc. I really love books that just suck me in and make me forget about everything else!
If I'm in bed, relaxing-or at least, trying to, I want to read something good!
So, I've come up with a list of "get away, different time" books.
What do I mean by Get Away, A Different Time?
Well basically, what it implies.
Anyways, so here's my list of amazing books. (see how much of a tanget I can get on?)
An Order of Amelie, Hold the Fries by Nina Schindler
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by Dave Eggers
Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk
Tender Morsels by Margo Lanagan
Madapple by Christina Meldrum
If I'm in bed, relaxing-or at least, trying to, I want to read something good!
So, I've come up with a list of "get away, different time" books.
What do I mean by Get Away, A Different Time?
Well basically, what it implies.
Anyways, so here's my list of amazing books. (see how much of a tanget I can get on?)
Gingerbread by Rachel Cohn
One of Those Hideous Books Where the Mother Dies - Sonya Sones
Alice, I Think - Susan Juby
The Host by Stephanie Meyer
Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins
Spud by John van de Ruit
Sand Chronicles by Hinako Ashihara
California Holiday by Kate Cann
Q&A by Vikas Swarup
An Order of Amelie, Hold the Fries by Nina Schindler
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by Dave Eggers
Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk
Tender Morsels by Margo Lanagan
Madapple by Christina Meldrum
16 February 2009
Keeping Track
If your like me, keeping track of what you've read or want to read is pretty large.
I have so many books I've read and want to its taking up space in my mind and well.. paper.
Anyways I came across some sites recently that will do that for you!
Basically, fill up your inventory up with what you've read, want to, and what your in the middle of! I've tried both and I have to completely go with Good Reads, for me personally anyways. Their overall the same, but Good Reads just feels right.
Both sites also offer a drawing on ARC books too!
So check 'em out!
Book Review,
good reads,
Website Review
15 February 2009
Coming Soon: Cathy's Ring
I just checked up on the Cathy series and I found some info on the book on the publishers website!
Cathy cannot manage to find more than a few days to relax in her hectic (and mortal) life—she barely has time to put the mystery surrounding her father to rest before she finds herself targeted by a group of Ancestor Lu’s professional killers! Recognizing she is a serious threat to everyone in her life, Cathy makes plans to leave town. But her friends, Emma, Pete, Victor, and, surprisingly, Jun, unite to convince Cathy that they must finish Lu once and for all to have any chance at peace—mortal or immortal. In order to defeat Lu, the friends must come together in a way they never have before. Meanwhile—unbeknownst to Cathy—Victor has made the ultimate sacrifice hoping it will bring him closer to a normal relationship with Cathy. But when Victor is seriously wounded and Cathy finds herself attracted to another mortal with similar feelings for her, Cathy’s world turns upside down and she is forced to make a decision about her future with Victor, while his life hangs by a thread. What will Cathy decide, and how will their epic battle with Lu play out? Find out in the newest adventure-packed installment of the Cathy story!

I'm super excited for this to come out since I totally love the "Cathy's" books. It totally has me guessing. I'm so ready for this to come out.
It's like crack for your brain. You want MOAR.
Here is the short description of Cathy's Ring
Cathy cannot manage to find more than a few days to relax in her hectic (and mortal) life—she barely has time to put the mystery surrounding her father to rest before she finds herself targeted by a group of Ancestor Lu’s professional killers! Recognizing she is a serious threat to everyone in her life, Cathy makes plans to leave town. But her friends, Emma, Pete, Victor, and, surprisingly, Jun, unite to convince Cathy that they must finish Lu once and for all to have any chance at peace—mortal or immortal. In order to defeat Lu, the friends must come together in a way they never have before. Meanwhile—unbeknownst to Cathy—Victor has made the ultimate sacrifice hoping it will bring him closer to a normal relationship with Cathy. But when Victor is seriously wounded and Cathy finds herself attracted to another mortal with similar feelings for her, Cathy’s world turns upside down and she is forced to make a decision about her future with Victor, while his life hangs by a thread. What will Cathy decide, and how will their epic battle with Lu play out? Find out in the newest adventure-packed installment of the Cathy story!
Um, yeah. I want more. Look out for Cathy's Ring May 4th, 2009!
Cathy's Book,
Cathy's Key,
Cathy's Ring,
Running Press,
Sean Stewart
07 February 2009
Sneak peak of Eternal by Cynthia Leitich Smith & enter to win an Eternal Grand Prize Giveaway Package!
If you've read, Tantalize, your probably like me waiting for Eternal. Even though it'
s coming out in 3 days, why not read a preview of it!

I really enjoyed the excerpt. I'm just hoping that the book will have more closure than Tantalize. No really, the ending completely fit. It was perfect and lovely. It's just my hopeless romantic side there whining.
Anyways, here's the link to the excerpt! Even if you haven't read anything by Cynthia Leitich Smith, try her out. You'll fall in love with her books.
If your interested in entering the Eternal grand prize giveaway, here's the link!
Contest is open to all Cynsations readers. Some of the prizes include, autographed copies, book plates, and a guardian angel token. But hurry! Contest ends soon.
Eternal is out February 10th!!
cynthia leitich smith,
sneak peak,
04 February 2009
Far From You by Lisa Schroeder

I don't know if you've ever read a book in verse, but their amazing. Maybe it's because I love poetry or maybe because I just like to read, but it sucked me in.
Far From You is a story about overcoming the immense pain of loss and having the courage to love. Sixteen yrs. old Alice is dealing with the loss of her her mother and her sudden gain of a new step-mom and baby sister. The only seemingly good thing in her life is Blaze and her music.
Without much warning, an innocent trip gone wrong leaves Alice to confront her feelings and to have the will to survive.
Lisa Schroeder's writing is completely subliminal. The words on each page just flow through you, resonating and leaving you with so much to think about. It's easy to identify with Alice even in you haven't had a loved one pass away. It's easy for everyone to grasp an idea of pain she feels in the novel. Reading this book made me think over my own life. It makes you want to be stronger, more courageous.
This is a fantastic read if your like me and on short time. I think readers will like the verse style since it's "easier on the eyes" and seems to go by faster.
I don't know if its a necessarily a good thing since it's so good, and I wanted it to go on, but I'm definitely going to read this again. I'd love to see more YA books by Schroeder and I hope she continues to write.
If your interested in more poem/verse books, check out:
Heartbeat by Sharon Creech
One of Those Hideous Books Where the Mother Dies by Sonya Sones
Crank by Ellen Hopkins
Beating Heart by A.M. Jenkins
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